is a free service to list and find affordable homes and apartments across Pennsylvania.
There are basic, advanced and accessible searches to help locate housing to meet very specific needs. is designed to help all housing-related needs. Whether you are looking for housing with accessibility features, age-restricted housing, affordable or market-rate housing, can help.
What are the benefits of using
This service is 100% FREE.
On your home or library computer, you can narrow your search to include only units that meet your specifications, and see maps and pictures of available properties.
Landlords are able to list properties for free, along with pictures and map links. Listings can include details on amenities, such as utilities, parking, and appliances. Once a property is rented, the listing will be removed.
What are the benefits of listing properties on
FREE Advertising of Property
Free to list and search for properties
Describe your property's unique features
Include maps and pictures
With a toll-free number, have staff assist with listing and updating properties
Remove a listing immediately after the unit has rented and avoid unwanted phone calls
Helps to satisfy affirmative marketing obligations
Inform potential tenants of your procedures, rules and requirements before they apply